
Emjay Spa & Wellness – Before and Aftercare Instructions

To ensure you get the most out of your treatments, we’ve compiled essential before and aftercare tips for each service. Following these guidelines will help enhance the effectiveness of your treatments and maximize your comfort and safety. Whether you’re visiting us for a rejuvenating facial, a soothing massage, or any of our specialized services, these tips will prepare you for a seamless and rewarding experience. Please take a moment to review them to make your visit both enjoyable and beneficial.


Face & Body Waxing:


– Exfoliate the area 24-48 hours before waxing to remove dead skin cells.

– Ensure hair is at least 5mm long for effective removal. Waxing every 4-6 weeks is optimal and will capture hair throughout all 3 stages of the hair growth cycle with this frequency.

– Be considerate and mindful of personal hygiene when coming for body waxing. Please shower prior if need be or use the wipes provided in clinic.

– Avoid lotions and oils on the day of waxing as they can prevent wax from adhering properly.


– Avoid hot baths, saunas, and excessive sweating for 24 hours.

– Keep the waxed area clean and avoid tight clothing.

– Apply soothing lotion or aloe vera to calm the skin.

– Exfoliate 24-48 hours after waxing treatment


Facial Treatments:


– Cleanse your skin gently on the day of your appointment; avoid heavy makeup.

– Avoid sun exposure for at least 48 hours before treatment.

– Inform your therapist of any current skincare products, allergies, medications and concerns about your skin. We are here to help you and work with you on your self-care journey.


– Keep skin hydrated; drink plenty of water and use a good quality moisturiser that is suitable for your skin type.

– Use gentle, non-abrasive cleansers for the first 48 hours.

– Avoid direct sunlight and apply SPF 50+ sunscreen daily.


Advanced Facial Treatments:


– Discontinue use of any products containing retinol, acids, or exfoliants a week before treatment.

– Stay hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages 24 hours before the session.

– Notify your therapist about any recent cosmetic procedures, medications or allergies.

– Ensure you have disclosed all information your therapist has requested. It is for your own comfort and safety.


– Follow specific product recommendations provided by your therapist.

– Avoid using retinol or other harsh chemicals for a few days.

– Do not pick at the skin if peeling occurs.


LED, Galvanic, and High Frequency Treatments:


– Come with a clean face without makeup.

– Avoid any aggressive skincare treatments or products for a few days prior.

– Discuss any concerns or specific skin issues with your therapist beforehand.

– Disclose any cosmetic treatments, surgeries, medications and/or herbal supplements.


– Avoid applying makeup or other skincare products for at least 24 hours.

– Continue to hydrate and use gentle skincare products.

– Protect skin from sun exposure by wearing SPF 50+ sunscreen to maximize treatment benefits.


Manicures and Pedicures:


– Ensure nails are clean and free of polish if possible.

– Moisturise your hands and feet well the day before, but not on the day of treatment.

– Avoid shaving your legs 24 hours before a pedicure to reduce the risk of irritation.


– Apply cuticle oil and hand and body moisturiser daily to promote hydration.

– Wear gloves when using cleaning products or gardening.




– Avoid eating heavy meals at least one hour before the massage.

– Stay hydrated, but do not drink large amounts of fluids right before your appointment. 

– Take a warm shower to help relax muscles beforehand, if possible.


– Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins.

– Eat light meals only.

– Avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day.

– Apply heat if muscles feel sore after the massage.


Lash Lifts:


– Arrive without eye makeup, particularly mascara or eyeliner.

– Avoid using oil-based products around the eyes for 24 hours before treatment.

– Inform the therapist if you have had any previous reactions to eye products or treatments.


– Do not wet or rub your eyelashes for 24 hours.

– Avoid steam and direct heat for the first 24 hours.

– Avoid mascara for the first 24 hours.

– Sleep on your back the first night to avoid bending the lashes.


Energy Work and Therapeutic Services:


– Eat lightly and hydrate well before coming to the session.

– Spend some time in quiet reflection or meditation to prepare mentally and emotionally.

– Wear comfortable clothing to facilitate relaxation and ease of movement.


– Take time to rest and process any emotional responses post-session. Journal, sit in stillness, meditate, be in nature, scream into a pillow – whatever you feel guided to do.

– Drink water to help facilitate the body’s healing process.

– Engage in gentle activities like walking or light stretching.