
Inner child healing is a form of therapy that focuses on addressing and healing emotional wounds from childhood in order to improve our overall health and well-being. Our experiences in childhood can shape our emotions and behaviour in adulthood, and that by healing these past experiences, we can improve our present and future emotional well-being.

This process can include identifying and expressing feelings that were repressed in childhood, learning to nurture and care for the “inner child” within us, and developing new coping mechanisms for dealing with difficult emotions. There are many situations or events that we face in childhood that impact us psychologically and create trauma patterns without us even realizing it.

Trauma can be caused by a single event, or a combination of events and it can also be caused by chronic exposure to stress and adversity.  These events can include but are not limited to:

    • Physical, emotional, verbal, mental or sexual abuse
    • Neglect, abandonment or being constantly criticized, shamed or belittled
    • Witnessing violence or domestic abuse
    • Losing a loved one or experiencing a traumatic event or accident
    • Being bullied
    • Separation of parents, guardians, or primary care givers whether through adoption, becoming an orphan or through divorce, disputes, or separations
    • Growing up in a chaotic, unstable, or discriminatory environment
    • Being isolated or not being able to have social interaction or the ability to create meaningful relationships with friends or family

Trauma can manifest in a wide range of symptoms and experiences and can often be a contributing factor to other mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Not all people who experience trauma will be affected in the same way.

Inner child healing is a powerful tool and a way to process and heal these wounds in a supportive and therapeutic environment and can be done through individual therapy sessions, group therapy, or self-help techniques such as journaling, meditation, mindfulness techniques or visualization exercises.

It is important to recognise that everyone is different and the triggers for inner child healing can manifest differently from person to person.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck in certain areas of your life, it may be worth considering inner child healing as a way to address and heal any underlying emotional wounds which could include the following:

    • Feeling overwhelmed by emotions or feelings that seem out of proportion to the situation at hand
    • Finding oneself repeating patterns of behaviour or thoughts that are destructive or self-sabotaging or being unable to regulate emotions or stress and choosing unhealthy or addictive coping mechanisms
    • Feeling “stuck” in certain areas of one’s life, such as relationships, career, or personal growth
    • Experiencing physical symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or chronic pain that cannot be explained by a physical cause
    • Having flashbacks or intense memories of traumatic events from the past that continue to affect you
    • Feeling a sense of disconnection from oneself or from others or not feeling good enough or worthy or perhaps difficulty with self-esteem, self-worth, self-compassion, or self-respect
    • Difficulty trusting others or oneself or being vulnerable with others
    • Finding it difficult to set boundaries, assert oneself and/or be heard
    • Having trouble forming and maintaining healthy relationships and/or intimacy
    • Addiction and other forms of self-destructive behaviour, e.g. anger management
    • Lack of motivation, drive and trouble achieving goals

Receiving inner child healing can have a variety of benefits for a person and can be a transformative tool for addressing and healing the emotional wounds of the past, which in turn, can help to improve overall well-being, happiness, and quality of relationships in the present and future.

It is important to remember that healing is a process, and it takes time and with commitment, patience, and self-compassion, you will have the tools, ability, and support to feel safe, understood and supported.

Some possible benefits may include:

    • Improved emotional regulation and ability to manage stress with more ease
    • Improved self-esteem, self-worth, and self-compassion
    • Improved ability to form and maintain healthy relationships whether intimate or with family, friends, or colleagues etc
    • Increased ability to set, maintain and assert your boundaries
    • Increased awareness of the importance of self-care
    • Increased ability to trust others and be open to being fully engaged and vulnerable in your relationships as a result of knowing and trusting that you are safe and supported
    • Improved ability to cope with difficult or big emotions and let go of resentment towards others
    • Increased ability to empathize and connect with others
    • Improved communication and conflict resolution skills
    • Greater understanding of your authentic self and your past and the impact it has had on your lift to this point
    • Increased ability to make positive changes in your life as you’ve done the work and can then recognise the difference in how you feel within, due to the healing process
    • Improved self-awareness and understanding of your own patterns and behaviours in relationships

There are self-help techniques that can help you to uncover and begin to work through your past trauma and emotional wounds. They may include:

    • Journaling – Writing about your childhood experiences, emotions and feelings which can help you to process and understand them better or more deeply
    • Mindfulness – Practicing mindfulness exercises and help you to be more present in the moment which in turn brings more awareness to your thoughts and emotions
    • Visualization – Take a moment to pause, take some deep breaths and visualize yourself as a child, and having a dialogue with your inner child. This can help you understand and heal past trauma
    • Self-care – Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally can help you to feel more grounded, present, focused, and stable and able to cope better with overwhelm or difficult emotions or situations
    • Reading – Books and articles on inner child healing and help you to understand the topic more and find different approaches and techniques that you can use in your everyday life
    • Self-compassion – Learning to be kind, supportive and understanding of yourself, who you are and how far you have come can help build resilience and heal emotional wounds. There is only one of you in this world and that makes you rare, unique, and special.

If there is one of the above that resonates with you the most, I invite you take some time to explore it further. It is important to note that self-help methods can be powerful tools in inner child healing but that are not a substitute for professional help when it is needed or required. If you find that self-help methods are not enough, consider reaching out for additional support.

Share your experiences in the comments as it may help others in their journey.

If you need any support or are having difficulties, book in for an individual reading or session or treatment.

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