

Anxiety is a common experience for many people. It can manifest in a variety of ways, from constant worry and fear to physical symptoms like sweating, trembling, and heart palpitations. While some anxiety is a normal part of life, excessive or persistent anxiety can have a significant impact on our well-being and quality of life.

One of the key contributors to anxiety is subconscious fears. These are the fears and beliefs that we may not even be aware of, but that are still influencing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. These fears can be rooted in past experiences, childhood traumas, or societal conditioning, and they can have a powerful impact on our lives.

For example, someone who was bullied in school or had a difficult and painful childhood may develop a subconscious fear of rejection, ridicule and judgement which has left a traumatic imprint on an unconscious level. This fear may cause them to avoid social situations, or they may be overly sensitive to criticism. This hurt then causes them to feel rejected and abandoned on a deeper level and they may not even understand why because it has manifested into a long-term pattern of behaviour that has become so ingrained in order to keep them safe.

This can ultimately limit their opportunities for growth and connection as they hide in the background and play small to avoid any situation that opens them up to more rejection, ridicule and judgement. They may also unknowingly make themselves physically or emotionally unavailable, purely as a form of protection as there is no chance of feeling that abandonment trigger if they don’t put themselves out there again to begin with.

There is a wounded inner child there that feels unsafe, blames themself and is unable to process what was happening at the time and has therefore adapted behaviours for safety and protection and that has manifested into feelings of insignificance and unworthiness, and which then creates behaviours causing self-sabotage patterns, creating anxiety responses in multiple aspects of their life.

Self-awareness is essential for identifying and addressing these subconscious fears as the hurt needs to be healed. Through mindfulness practice and self-reflection, we can gain insight into our patterns of thought and behaviour and begin to unravel the underlying beliefs and fears that are contributing to our anxiety.

Personal transformation is also important for overcoming anxious thoughts and fears. This involves witnessing the emotions and feelings as they come up, without judgement and without dissecting them, and then challenging the old beliefs and creating new ones that serve us better and are aligned with our own true core values. It can be uncomfortable and difficult, but it is also incredibly rewarding.

By breaking old patterns and creating new ones, we can transform our lives and create a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose.

To begin this process, identify your anxious thoughts and fears. Pay attention to your patterns of thinking and your self-talk and notice when your thoughts turn towards fear or worry. Then, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself if they are aligned with your truth or if they are simply old patterns that either were not yours to begin with and no longer serve you.

Another helpful practice is to focus on the present moment. Anxiety often stems from worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. By bringing your attention back to the present moment, focusing on your breath and where you are right now, through mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga, you can reduce your anxious thoughts and cultivate a greater sense of calm and inner peace.

Understanding your anxious thoughts and fears is essential for personal growth and transformation. There is a broad range of services and resources to support you in developing self-awareness and creating lasting change in your life so you can live a life of greater peace and fulfillment.

Share your experiences in the comments as it may help others in their journey.

If you need any support or are having difficulties, book in for an individual reading or session or treatment.

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